Thursday, 3 April 2008

Petition to save the boreal birds of Canada

Many species are at risk in what are often considered to be the vast and untouched wildernessess of Canada. You will find an earlier post about wolves in this blog, but here is a new petition. This time about the songbirds of Canada's Boreal Forest. Gas, mining, logging and hydro development claim ever more of the forest, leaving ever less habitat for the species that call it home. Many songbirds migrate, so spend only part of the year in this area, but they do depend upon it for their breeding success.

The group 'Save our Boreal Birds' states:
"In recent years, we have seen long-term declines in many Boreal bird species. Rusty Blackbirds have declined by 95%, Olive-sided Flycatchers, Boreal Chickadees, Bay-breasted and Canada Warblers, and Evening Grosbeaks by more than 70%, and scaup and scoters by over 50%. "

Learn more about this issue, and sign a petition here.


Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Article 2. Bear Hunting

Fish Creek, near Hyder (Alaska), is one of the few places on earth where people and wild bears still seem to be able to spend time in each other's presence without too much risk for either species. The bears come here to fish and eat berries and see people neither as potential prey nor as a threat. People come here just to experience this and respect the needs of the animals.

Bears, however, are not protected here. Throughout Alaska there are numerous guides and outfitters offering rich tourists the opportunity to shoot bears, as well as wolves, caribou, moose, etc. The costs for such adventures start at $10.000 U.S. per day.
These two ways of enjoying bears naturally are highly conflicting. One is sustainable and one is not.
Read the full article here.

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