Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Not gone tree planting after all...

Last night, for personal reasons, I decided not to go tree planting after all. I regret having had to make that decision, but I saw no other choice. Ergo, I will remain in Portree on Isle of Skye and immediately start working on the things I came to Scotland for in the first place: setting up photo workshops, continuing work on "The Larger Picture" (which is evolving out of "Project Canada"), and some other ambitious ideas that you will read about, probably within a few months time.

Probably more explanation for this decision will follow in due time

Monday, 19 January 2009

Turning into a Highlander Pt.2

The famous pier of Portree, my new hometown, at sunset (see the blue house, Lies?). Just to give you an idea of the kind of scenery you get here even when you just go walk the dog for ten minutes (although walking for only ten minutes is hardly possible when the walking is so good!).
Day after tomorrow I will leave the island again, however. That is to return to the job I temporarily have in the area of Dunoon, near Glasgow: planting trees! I hope to be able to write a bit more about the job, possibly even an article about what tree planting is and does. Internet will remain a rarity for a bit longer, I fear, so updates will be irregular and rare too.
Just for the friends I left behind in the Netherlands, and those in other parts of the world that I can hardly keep in touch with during these weeks/months, I miss you all very much! Keep in mind that we have a spare bedroom and a study where you could sleep if you'd ever feel like visiting this beautiful island! It is a strange feeling to know that you have made a good decision with such a big move; a migration away from home and those you know, but at the same time feel the loss of especially those friends and some even closer to the heart than that...
Ach, it's a shame that there is no time to write more, or write better. Time's up in the library where I can work on the internet for 30 - 60 minutes per session, and I have to go back home to finish my tax declaration (oh yugh!!).
Until next time!!

Monday, 12 January 2009

Turning into a Highlander!

Here is just a very short message, typed in the library of Portree on the Scottish Isle of Skye, to explain the long silence on this blog. The explanation: I am turning into a Highlander! Very suddenly and very unexpectedly too, I have decided to migrate from the Netherlands to this beautiful island (one of the most beautiful places in Western Europe in my opinion) not long after returning from the last fieldwork period for Project Canada last September. I am still very busy with all the things that come with moving house and going from one country to another. I hope to get settled within a few weeks and find some time again to work on all the photos and on all the ideas for articles again then. Just looking outside the window of the library, I can see the mountains and I think that this area will be very inspiring for all the big changes that will transform Project Canada into The Larger Picture!

All the best and hopefully until soon with more news!